Reichert demonstrates commitment to wildlife

Bolstering Congressman Dave Reichert’s (R-8) growing record on conservation, he has once more demonstrated his belief in the importance of preservation and wildlife.

Reichert recently signed on to support America’s Wildlife Heritage Act, displaying his environmental priorities for wildlife protection in the Pacific Northwest and throughout America. This bill would for the first time require federal agencies to protect common animals that the public know and love. It would provide federal agencies with tools and methods to make sure healthy populations like deer, bears and birds continue to thrive.

Reichert continues to set a positive bipartisan example for representatives everywhere. The congressman has introduced legislation that would add 22,000 acres of wilderness to the existing Alpine Lakes Wilderness, and supported over $2.5 billion in funding for our National Parks.

Reichert’s backing a bill that aims to guarantee protection of America’s favorite creatures is a reason to rejoice. I would like to express gratitude to him for joining the growing list of co-sponsors for America’s Wildlife Heritage Act.

Bob Freimark

Acting Regional Director/Senior Policy Analyst

Pacific Northwest Regional Office

The Wilderness Society, Seattle