People need to educate themselves on PSE project

As a resident and a physician, I am very concerned about PSE's Energize Eastside program. What started as a far-sighted request to upgrade an aging infrastructure and plan for future growth, has been hijacked into an oversized project that benefits a foreign-owned private corporation (PSE) as it prepares to divest in 2017.


As a resident and a physician, I am very concerned about PSE’s Energize Eastside program. What started as a far-sighted request to upgrade an aging infrastructure and plan for future growth, has been hijacked into an oversized project that benefits a foreign-owned private corporation (PSE) as it prepares to divest in 2017.

Local needs have been expanded into a crisis and we Eastside residents are being asked to pay for a vastly oversized project that seems more suited to transferring power between Canada and California than meeting our expected growth.

CENSE (Coalition of Eastside Neighbors for Sensible Energy) has enlisted the talents of our Eastside residents including electrical engineers and people who have worked in the power industry and have unearthed documents, data and have subsequently proposed an alternative solution. This can all be viewed at their website:

The articles written to date on this subject have emphasized the PR tag lines that PSE has continually repeated. I guess if you repeat something often enough, it eventually becomes the truth. Frankly, it boggles my mind why a journalist wouldn’t delve a little deeper into the topic to expose other possible motives — especially when much of the work has been done already.

Once again it’s left up to the people. I urge all of you to visit to educate yourselves about what is about to happen to our cities.

Richard Kaner, Bellevue