Obama’s divisive agenda

President Obama, in one of the greatest unconstitutional power grabs in history, is giving amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens.


President Obama, in one of the greatest unconstitutional power grabs in history, is giving amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens. What he didn’t say was that this wasn’t just about amnesty, but also giving food stamps, medical care, housing and a myriad of other free services not accorded to our own citizens. It is not only unconstitutional but unconscionable.

Also, Obama convened a conference to hear words from on high from his lame duck Attorney General, Eric Holder. What Holder got out of the riots and looting in Ferguson was that the police do too much racial profiling. As a result he wants body cameras for all law enforcement. OK. A body camera would have backed up Officer Darren Wilson’s story. What about the riots after? Why wasn’t it mentioned that the looting is unacceptable? Not a peep, nothing, nada.

This administration’s agenda is the most divisive in the history of the Republic. They appear to want the races at each others throats. It seems that if Obama can get us mad enough at each other then we won’t notice how weak and incompetent the White House really is.

Denny Andrews, Bellevue