Obama right on Syria

It seem President Obama was right to take it easy in regards to making decisions about whether to get involved with the conflict in Syria or not.


It seem President Obama was right to take it easy in regards to making decisions about whether to get involved with the conflict in Syria or not. From what I am hearing recently, the opposition is dominated by Islamist groups bent on turning the country into a religious state, which would lead to all sorts of human rights violations.

We owe the president thanks for not allowing Sens. McCain and Graham as well as FOX News, among others, who put lots of pressure on him to get this country militarily involved. The Republican Party, by its insistence that the military budget be increased in the latest budget agreement, is proof positive that its only interest is in funding the military industrial complex and the wealthy who control it.

It is telling that three-fourths of economist now state that the country is slow to recover because all increases in GDP have gone to the very wealthy. They state that in order for the country to really prosper there must be a more evenly distribution of resources.

I am still waiting for the mass media to start reporting news that will give the public all the information needed to make wise decisions in regards to policy decisions.

George Whitaker, Bellevue