Obama just throws money at border issue

President Obama is good at two things, making speeches and fundraising. The actual governing of a nation? Not so much.


Is President Obama trying to destroy the United States by allowing unfettered access at our southern border? Probably not. Is he in any way competent to handle this crisis? Absolutely not. He was in Texas recently for three fundraisers. Wouldn’t logic dictate that he at least show up on the border to signal some concern for these thousands of children and others that are flooding into the U.S.? Apparently logic has flown out the window.

The president did deign to finally accept a meeting with Texas Gov. Rick Perry (who has been down to the border). Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar said, “This might be President Obama’s ‘Katrina moment.” While Katrina was a natural disaster and the border is a man-made one, the political fall out could be just as devastating.

Proposed solutions to the border problem have ranged from lassiez faire to draconian. President Obama’s solution seems to be (yet again) throw money at it. He’s asking for $4 billion to handle the crisis. Little of this will go to actually shore up our porous borders. Oh, yes, an added wrinkle — threaten all the border agents and workers not to talk about any of it under fear of immediate termination.

President Obama is good at two things, making speeches and fundraising. The actual governing of a nation? Not so much.

Denny Andrews, Bellevue