Light rail hurts quality of life

I really hate to disappoint recent letter writer Bob

Givin, but he is definitely wrong, together with Susan Hutchison, a wannabe politician.

The tracks which served the lovely dinner train well and which ran only twice a day, was not a problem for the residents. These suggested light rail trains make their run every seven minutes. Residents who are not near those lines are obviously not affected by these less-than-pleasant noises these trains emit.

Now picture yourself living where these noise machines pass by your residence every seven minutes every day. Every taxpaying citizen living next to the line will be less than ecstatic to be reminded every seven minutes where their tax money is being spend. With the exception of Ms. Hutchison, (one of the reasons not to vote for her) and of course Mr. Givin.

Our homes are supposed to be places where we relax after getting away from the clamor of the day to spend our free time in much needed solitude. Do we really want to take this away from others, just so we can have an additional mode of transportation, which is not of an earthshaking necessity?

Once our quality of life has disappeared, what is left? Isn’t this one of the reasons we moved out into the suburbs, or whatever is left of it. We have to stop thinking of me and replace it with us. Why rob others of their enjoyment of life?

Jutta Kurtak, Bellevue