Keep writers’ diatribes out of paper

For shame on you Bellevue Reporter for allowing a locally well-known producer of right wing diatribes to spew his destructive, far out version of conservatism and worse to give him a platform to attribute everything bad to the Democrats and everything good to Republicans. That kind of writing creates more divisisism at a time when we need to find common ground.

A little research on your part would have discovered the kind of hateful stuff he espouses. In a recent letter to the Seattle Times (May 29, 2009) chastising the nomination of Judge Sotomayor, McGarvan wrote “…I’d guess he (Obama) already has his agents looking for a gay Muslim in case he gets to make another nomination.”

As demonstrated in his column under ”Bellevue Voices”, fear spreaders like him seldom have supporting facts, repeat the same old false premises and are highly misleading. To liken any of the policies of the last Republican administration or those of the current Republicans in the congress to true “conservatism” is to render a terrible disservice to the conservative cause.

Unfortunately, we haven’t had conservative leaders around here since the governor Dan Evans days.

Dick Chapin, former state legislator (R) 48th District, Bellevue