How to handle Knotty Bodies

At the risk of continuing a discussion that doesn’t really need it, I want to respond to Jack Schultz’s response to my earlier comments on the Crossroads bikini barista story.

What is the problem, he asks? If he’d been paying attention to the newspaper, or TV, or, of course, radio, he’d know a problem is a lot of people don’t like the idea. A matter of opinion and choice.

A real problem is the area is not zoned for drive-thru. Another problem is it apparently did not have a valid business license or occupation permit at the time.

Personally, I have no problem with young ladies selling coffee wearing bikinis, or, from what I’ve seen, something closer to lingerie. I don’t frequent places like that, not because of some moral high-ground, but because I’m too cheap to pay that much for coffee.

That’s also a good way for opponents to handle the situation. Stay away.

Don Riggs, Bellevue