Here are some ways to cut the deficit

I have the following suggestions for cutting the deficit:

Start closing down all military bases overseas starting with the ones in Japan and Europe. More than 60 years after World War II it is ridiculous having any bases in Europe. The French were smart to close down all U.S. bases on French soil.

The U.S. Drug Policy is a complete failure as was prohibition. Legalize the sell of drugs as they have done in Holland. Treat people fairly and there will not be a drug problem or alcoholism. People turn to substance abuse because the government has not provided the assistance and help they need to overcome problems.

Too much of the country’s wealth is in the hands of too few. In addition, employees use there employees as if they were tools and not human at all. Stop thinking of people anything but human. I hate the term “consumer” and the statement “Just give me a body to do the job. The government is just as bad as the private sector when it comes to treating people like a thing.

Put an end to change for the sake of change. Let the country get

back to basics providing food, shelter, clothing, education and health care to everyone. All the new technology is mostly a waste of resources.

Get over the ridiculous notion that a complex society can operate

with individual corporations or people making decisions without

taking in considerations the impact on others and society in general.

Face reality in a free market there is greed and corruption and people only look after their own best interest, some times mistakenly. Not everyone is God-like and caring. Just the opposite. Most people are self-centered and narrow-minded in their thinking and the actions they take.

Capitalism is headed for complete failure. Greece is just the latest warning.

George Whitaker, Bellevue