Editorial wrong on Rodney Tom

I’ve come to expect your paper to be out of step with democratic voices in this county, but Craig Groshart’s recent editorial on Rodney Tom cannot go unchallenged.


I’ve come to expect your paper to be out of step with democratic voices in this county, but Craig Groshart’s recent editorial on Rodney Tom cannot go unchallenged.

When the people voted in a democratic majority, that’s what they deserved. But due to Rodney Tom what we got is, in Groshart’s own terms, is “political polarization.” I find the use of the word “coalition” to describe the defection of two Democrats a gross abuse of the term and indicative of the way Tom has willfully misguided the public.

Of course, the editorial failed to mention that the 48th Legislative District that got him elected, has actively been working to insure that didn’t happen again. He was censured by his own district, which also keeps track of bi-partisan bills he killed.

Don’t you find it a bit concerning at all that he ran on the goodwill, funding, and hard work of Democrats in the country only to throw his votes in with Republicans in order to wrest control of the Senate from the duly elected majority? Would he have been elected had he run on that platform? Of course not.

Endorsing this kind of deceit is new low-water mark.

Brett Hill, Bellevue