Critic of letter about salute misses the point

A recent letter writer did not like my comments of President Obama’s latte salute to the Marine standing at attention saluting his Commander In Chief as he got off the helicopter at the White House. The writer should completely read and understand what he is complaining about.


A recent letter writer did not like my comments of President Obama’s latte salute to the Marine standing at attention saluting his Commander In Chief as he got off the helicopter at the White House. The writer should completely read and understand what he is complaining about.

I had already acknowledged that not all presidents have rendered proper salutes in the same situations. My point was that a salute from a civilian is not so much about how perfect the salute, but the respect shown to the military person being saluted.

I agree with the writer that we should be focused on fixing real issues in the world – I hope the next presidential election will result in such a leader.

I also agree with the writer, “The world needs love and compassion, not division and political posturing.” Please send that note to President Obama, who I believe, has been one of the most divisive presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office.

Regardless of the writer’s view, I am glad that he still has the freedom to express that view in our great country. And contrary to his comments, I believe I am pretty much in touch with the real world – I have seen a lot of it as a 20+ year veteran. And to the critic of my writer, I ask, did you serve our country in preserving our freedoms? If you did, you would understand the importance of a respectful salute from the Commander In Chief.

Larry Brickman, Bellevue