Concentrate on person, not the weapon

During the anniversary of the Sandy Hook elementary school killing, there were mentions of stopping gun violence and gun control. However, our nation needs to focus on “violence,” and the “perpetrator,” the real cause of injury, and death.


During the anniversary of the Sandy Hook elementary school killing, there were mentions of stopping gun violence and gun control. However, our nation needs to focus on “violence,” and the “perpetrator,” the real cause of injury, and death.

A person who has mental issues, is drunk, on drugs, angry etc. – are all dangerous to society and can kill or injure another person. Whether a person kills with a gun, knife, automobile, fists, Molotov Cocktail, baseball bat, or some other lethal means, violence causes injury or death, and should be punished the same.

But let’s stop it before it reaches that point. Our challenge is “prevention” of these actions by addressing mental issues, and reducing and preventing a person susceptible to perpetrating violence access to items that can kill. That is a tall order, but that is where our focus needs to be directed, not at the weapon used.

Larry Brickman, Bellevue