Coleman’s photographs appreciated

I just want to let you how much we appreciate Chad Coleman's photographs. It is obvious how much he goes out of his way to take would could otherwise be a boring assignment and create one that is much more interesting.

I just want to let you how much we appreciate Chad Coleman’s photographs. It is obvious how much he goes out of his way to take would could otherwise be a boring assignment and create one that is much more interesting.
Probably the best example I can think of is several years ago, he took a photograph of someone at the Bellevue Art Museum. Your average photographer would probably have just use a flash on the camera. But Chad took the extra time and set up the lighting system his camera system allowed and made a much more creative and interesting photograph. I believe there was even an article on how he created the photograph.
Anyway, just wanted to pass on a little praise for one of your staff.
Bob Cerelli, Cerelli Photography, Bellevue