Cartoon on guns wrong

Your June 13 editorial cartoon is disgraceful. Not only is it a insult to the people of our community who suffer from mental illness and their families, but also an attempt to undermine support for Initiative 594 which will require background checks on all gun sales.


Your June 13 editorial cartoon is disgraceful. Not only is it a insult to the people of our community who suffer from mental illness and their families, but also an attempt to undermine support for Initiative 594 which will require background checks on all gun sales.

While universal background checks may not have prevented the recent tragedy at Seattle Pacific University (the case to which I’m sure your cartoon alludes), the facts are that in states where such laws have been enacted, gun-related deaths are down substantially from periods prior to those laws taking effect.

Freedom of speech is one thing, disregard for common decency in quite another. As Marion Wright Edelman so eloquently reminded the graduating class at SPU in her compassionate address to them, just because something is legal, doesn’t make it moral. You and your cartoonist don’t seem to know the difference.

William D Osmer, Bellevue