Blessings come in 3s, too

I have been aware of misfortunate events in 3s. I have a story to share about blessings in 3s.


I have been aware of misfortunate events in 3s. I have a story to share about blessings in 3s.

My husband was laid off from his “new” job of eight months as a compliance engineer at a top northwest company when a venture company came in and laid off 250 people including two-thirds of my husband’s engineering group.

So what are the three blessings?

I decided not to buy a wreath for our door. I go to Ace Hardware and see a lonely candy cane wreath – no price. I ask the seller who says it’s free. Wow, blessing No. 1.

My Christmas mail comes and a secret Santa has delivered a card enclosed with gift cards to Dominoes and Fred Meyer. It may be one of my neighbors or close friends because they list the return address as our own and they know we have teenagers.

The third blessing happened when I was shopping at Freddy’s and look at the poinsettias – that’s a want not a need – I sadly pass. And then Christmas day, a pastor from a different church than we attended brings us a poinsettia. He didn’t know our situation, just thought of us because we have been friends.

Coincidence or divine intervention. I believe and am blessed to believe the latter.

Angela McLean, Bellevue