Big retailers hurting families

Why do xMarts get to deny their workers, the right to have a rare family dinner?


Why do xMarts get to deny their workers, the right to have a rare family dinner? Unfortunately even a nuclear family dinners are happening less and less frequently these days. And an opportunity for extended to meet families and break bread, in todays tech/corporate driven culture, is very key to keeping the bond across generations alive.

I am in awe over the deafening silence from “social conservatives” about this – the voices that loudly profess their duty preserve American tradition and family values. If denying millions of people their rare chance to share a Thanksgiving day turkey with their family across a table doesn’t qualify as “Un-American,” I don’t know what else does. It is time for people to gain back their sense and put some boundaries on hunting for the coolest products and hottest deals.

Here is the kicker, We want to shop so bad, because of what? “A Christmas Gift.”

Hari Neelakantan, Bellevue