Armed security needed

First off the shootings in Oregon are a despicable act by a despicable individual. The shooter’s father absolves himself of any culpability in his son’s act by calling for gun control. A popular bromide echoed by the president and the mainstream media.

First off the shootings in Oregon are a despicable act by a despicable individual. The shooter’s father absolves himself of any culpability in his son’s act by calling for gun control. A popular bromide echoed by the president and the mainstream media.

However, the issue here is more protection not less — armed security for schools and large public areas. Scary thought possibly, but it sure beats the alternative. It is a fact that these shooters avoid areas where they might immediately get shot.

Also, there is no country in the world today where a determined person cannot obtain a firearm, be it Australia, Russia or China.

The mental health issue is even more problematical. If there were some Orwellian test to ferret out these homicidal loners, that would be the desirable outcome. Frankly, I have no idea how that might occur.

Denny Andrews, Bellevue