FirstSwing Foundation is hosting annual baseball/softball camps

Summer baseball camp on the Eastside is on the horizon.

The FirstSwing Foundation is hosting its 13th annual baseball/softball camps from July 8-12 and Aug. 12-16 at the Medina Elementary School fields.

The camps, which are for youngsters between 4 and 13 years of age, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon each day. On July 9 and Aug. 13 there will be a special skills sessions with games from 1-4 p.m. The camp focuses on drills, practice for skills and then players participate in a game using what has been taught. Hitting, throwing, fielding, base running and mental aspects of the game will be the primary focus of the camps. In addition, there will be a home-run derby, bunt-a-thon and a target-ball challenge. For more information about the camps, contact Phil Rognier at 425-451-8276 or reach him by e-mail at The cost of the camp is $150 for the five-day camp and additional $60 for the afternoon skills session.