Councilmember Conrad Lee announces re-election efforts

Conrad Lee formally announced his candidacy for re-election to the Bellevue City Council to a crowd of supporters at the Bellevue Hilton.

Lee pledged to remain steadfast as “a voice for the voiceless and an advocate for low taxes, jobs and economic growth. I will remain true to these fundamental principles. But I fear that with our city’s successful economic growth many in our communities feel their government is becoming less accountable, distant and less responsive. We cannot let that happen – it is not the Bellevue way.”

John Carlson, former candidate for governor and conservative talk show host, served as master of ceremonies. He credited Bellevue’s remarkable two decades of economic growth to fiscally conservative leadership that has held the line on taxes and wasteful spending.

“For the past two decades Conrad Lee has been the Council’s strongest and most consistent advocate for lower taxes and against wasteful spending and job killing regulations.”

Former Attorney General Rob McKenna praised Conrad as the voice of the little guy.

“Conrad won his first election by knocking on thousands of doors and talking directly to the voters of Bellevue. He understands the people he serves because he listens. He is tireless in attending events small and large in every neighborhood.”

That message was reinforced with a video of Bellevue community citizens who gave heartfelt testimony why they support Conrad. They represented youth, seniors and small business from diverse backgrounds and different neighborhoods.

Rose Strong, mother of former Seahawks star running back Mack Strong said, “Conrad is a man of integrity and leadership. He has the back of the Bellevue community the way my son Mack had the back of the quarterback.”

Jennifer Robertson, Bellevue city councilmember spoke.

“The Diversity of this crowd is a testament to Conrad as a leader who engages and listens to all walks of life and every neighborhood.” She particularly thanked the many newcomers to politics. “Thank you for coming. Your engagement will make a difference. Your voice will make Bellevue a better place for you and your children.”