Cost of grill basket incorrect in Scene magazine

A composition error in the Reporter's Scene magazine resulted in the wrong price being listed for a grilling item at Sur la Table. The correct price of the Flippin' Easy Grill Basket is $14.99.

A composition error in the Reporter’s Scene magazine resulted in the wrong price being listed for a grilling item at Sur la Table. The correct price of the Flippin’ Easy Grill Basket is $14.99. The item was included in a list of grilling gadgets that we loved for the barbecue season. Here’s how the mention should have read:

Flippin’ Easy Grill Basket: Let’s face it, flipping over meat, fish or veggies on the grill can be tricky. Not any more. The finely woven mesh construction of the basket makes sure that event bite-size morsels won’t fall through the grate. When one side is done, simply pull the basket’s handle along its metal tracks to smoothly flip the basket onto the opposite side. $14.99. Sur la Table, 1-800-243-0852.