Stores have themselves to blame for Christmas sales

I really enjoyed reading the commentary by John Carlson “Christmas Chaos at the Capital.”

I have Jewish blood in me, but choose to identify myself as a Christian Lutheran. Our family has a menorah and a cross and manger scene at all our family gatherings during the holidays. It’s a matter of respect.

I found the sign at the capital to be very mean spirited and downright insulting. As a Democrat I was very disappointed at our governor. We are voting to elect leaders, not followers.

I also notice that the word Christmas has been taken away from almost everywhere at Christmas time. This is very hurtful to Christians who represent 60 percent of the U.S. population and who make up about 160 million Americans.

I have friends of every color and religion and I try to be respectful to all of them. I always wish my brother and all my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukah and they always wish me a Merry Christmas. I even buy them presents for Hanukah. Its no big deal. Its just a matter of respect.

However I think that the stores are losing money because they are insulting the largest group of Christmas shoppers in America. The others groups don’t buy many Christmas presents, because it is not their holiday. You would think that 160 million shoppers would mean something to these stores.

Almost everyone I have met is angry about the word Christmas being removed. They want our money on our holiday , but treat the word Christmas like a four-letter word.

The idea of giving at Christmas time comes from the story in the Bible of the three wise men giving presents to Jesus at the manger, and also that it’s better to give than to receive. If you take that message away, then shoppers are less inclined to buy and give.

Martin Ulstein