Stolen political signs frustrating

Here we go again. In 2012, half a dozen Romney signs went missing from my yard. This year, I support Pedro Celis for Congress.Twice now, somebody took the Pedro sign from my yard denying me the right to express my view.


Here we go again. In 2012, half a dozen Romney signs went missing from my yard. The last one was torn up and thrust on a pile of other signs all torn up viciously like the perpetrator was really mad at me. I felt their hostility.

This year, I support Pedro Celis for Congress. After attending the opening of his campaign and hearing his story, I put Pedro’s sign in my front yard.

Pedro was born in Mexico, went to school in Canada in the 1980s, and came to America in 1986 seeking opportunity. He was a professor at Indiana University, worked at Microsoft, holds many patents. He worked hard and succeeded greatly. His is an amazing American success story. Now he wants to go to Congress and help restore the American dream he experienced himself but feels is slipping away.

Twice now, somebody took the Pedro sign from my yard denying me the right to express my view. I put up another sign. Pedro deserves my support. He came here seeking freedom. If someone steals the sign again – I will put up another… and another….

To whomever took my sign: I called the Medina Police Department about stealing political signs. Did you know that if you are caught, you may spend time in jail for stealing a political sign? Instead of stealing my Pedro sign, why don’t you vote for him? He is a good guy and deserves our support.

Sue Collett, Medina