Education needs a new system

Is Washington going to make progress for kids or maintain the status quo? If we’re ready to make some real progress for kids, the answer lies in the recommendations of the Basic Education Task Force.

As a parent with two kids, I’ve seen how our underfunded system is short-changing our kids. Last year, when school enrollment was larger than teacher capacity, our third graders were facing a 35 percent increase in class size for the following year.

One of the suggested solutions? Have the PTA essentially “buy” an additional teacher – for $75,000.

This suggestion outraged me. There are certainly wealthy PTAs in Bellevue. However, not all schools are as lucky as the school that my children attend, and your zip code should not be the determining factor in a kid’s education.

Over the last 30 years, education reform in the state has been piece-meal at best. Our kids are the future of our state. They deserve a comprehensive, 21st century education system that will truly prepare them for college and careers.

The Legislature has the opportunity to pass real education reform such as smaller class sizes, updated graduation requirements that are in line with college standards, teacher mentor programs, and Pre-K for high risk students.

We cannot continue to throw money at the same broken system and expect better results.

Krista Capodanno, Bellevue