Bellevue School District to host community forum following board meeting Tuesday night

The Bellevue School District will host a community forum Tuesday night.

To enhance communication and the exchange of ideas with the district stakeholders, the school board will host three town halls this year to listen and learn. This community forum is one of those town halls.

The goal of the community forums is to create an opportunity for conversation and learning with students, families, staff, and community members that will provide feedback on the board’s key functions:

· Responsible Governance

· Creating conditions for student and staff success

· High expectations for student learning

· Accountability for student learning

· Community Engagement

Tonight’s community forum will follow the school board meeting, which begins at 4 p.m. and typically lasts until 6 p.m. All community forums will be at the Wilburton Instructional Services Center Rainer Room following regularly scheduled board meetings. The next two will take place in January and March 2018 with specific dates yet to be determined.

Board members, the Superintendent, the District Equity and Leadership Team (DELT), students, families, and community member will all be in attendance.

After participants sign in, they will randomly receive a number ranging from one to five that corresponds with one of the five board members. The board president will welcome the participants to the community forum, provide a brief review of the state of the district and an overview of the forum process. Then everyone will transition to small groups based on the number they received at entrance.

Board members will collect feedback from the participants. DELT members will be available to support the Board by serving as facilitators and “scribes.”

The small groups may answer questions such as:

  • What is working well in our schools/district?
  • What are potential areas for growth in our district?
  • What key topics should the board consider in order to be proactive to meet future Bellevue needs?
  • What else do you want to board to consider?

A board member or DELT facilitator may then share with the entire group up to two items that stood out from the smaller groups. The board will then debrief the community forum with superintendent at next board meeting to identify and follow-up on action items and questions from forum.