Kudos to editorial cartoon on alarm system | Letter

Kudos to the editorial cartoon on Feb. 5. Now if we can use the same cartoon with a little different dialogue from the customer at the bar.

Kudos to the editorial cartoon on Feb. 5. Now if we can use the same cartoon with a little different dialogue from the customer at the bar.

“You helped to bring about the false alarm reduction program didn’t you?”

I’m sure almost everyone in Bellevue who has an alarm system in their home was baited and switched by the way the program began and still exists today. We have thwarted more crimes than anyone without an alarm system and who learn they have been robbed after the fact. I’m sorry that police have to come out for a false alarm and those annoyances should be fined but not all the good folks of Bellevue who know how to use their system.

Bart Goft
